Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The not-so-dead language

I'm up to my eyeballs in readings about treaties and the Geneva Convention and lots and lots of Latin terms. (You'd think my four years of Latin would kick in right now, but the only thing I remember from Latin is the Our Father, and I haven't run across that in the readings yet.) But I'm learning a ton and trying to keep up with all the legal jargon. Apparently the vice president of the International Criminal Court (in The Hague) is going to be in Costa Rica next week, and he's friends with our professor, so our professor is trying to get him to come in and talk to us on Monday, which would be awesome!

This weekend was fairly low key, although we had a gathering for the International Law department at one of the professor's houses. She has this gorgeous home with a huge front porch. One student's boyfriend is a cook, so he made all the food for us, and it was the best food I've had since I've been here. Just because I like posting pictures, here are a couple from the party:

That's a cactus leaf.

Chelsea, Jill, and me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's up slacker? We're not used to waiting for your posts. Are you busy getting a master's degree or something? Hehehe! Just kidding! Hope you are having a great day and enjoying the beautiful scenery!