Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well, I'm officially sick sick sickedy-sick. It started with a sore throat and moved into cold sweats and the whole shebang. Despite the apparent prevalence of dengue in the area and my dozen mosquito bites all over my body, I'm pretty sure I don't have dengue fever. It crossed my mind, but after extensive Google research, it appears that dengue symptoms include vomiting, joint pain, and -- get this -- it feels like someone is pushing on the back of your eyeballs. Ow. So I just keep thinking "well, at least I don't have that."

I've been going to classes this week, but I think if I feel the same in the morning, I'm going to have to stay in bed. I might venture out for Jell-O and ginger ale, though, because I'm craving those. Luckily I had chicken soup on hand. (Thanks, Mom! That was in the 2 tons of food you send back with me. haha.)

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